Environmental, Engineering 

& Management Services

MEI continues to grow


Our history

Moxie Endeavors, Inc.

About MEI

in the news

Kelly Galloway, P.E.



Kelly is a registered Professional Environmental Engineer with comprehensive experience supporting the management of radioactive, hazardous and mixed waste in the DOE system.     

"I'm dedicated to the successful completion of your project goals."


​MEI (a.k.a., Moxie Endeavors, Inc.) was founded in 2010 with a small team of professionals.  We say it "takes a lot of Moxie" to start a business during a recession.  

​​Since our humble beginnings MEI has enjoyed an expanding workforce, loyal customer base and steadily increasing partnerships nation-wide.

BIG Competition Finalist 

Function of Geek Bandolier  ®

Tom Sherwood Memorial Golf Tournament

Proud co-sponsor with the North

Wind Group and participant 

since 2010.

Kelly Galloway, November Fluor Idaho Attitude Award winner

December 17, 2019

As the RWMC Waste Management Director, Kelly is responsible for preparing correspondence to DOE customer. It’s a complicated job that requires working with many different organizations to insure accurate and timely transmittals.“ At times it can be challenging, working with many reviewers, but Kelly’s attitude is always positive and upbeat as she prepares correspondence for final signature.” 


  • Inventory Analysis and Control
  • Project Management

Idaho Treatment Group

  • RCRA Mixed Low Level Waste Certification

Idaho Department of Lands

  • Abandoned Mine Lands mine closures

North Wind Inc.

  • Waste packaging and certification
  • Project Management


MEI Corporate Office

348 S 1st  Ave.

Pocatello, ID 83201

Idaho Falls Branch

545 Shoup Ave, Suite 226

Idaho Falls, ID 83402